Lisa's ART space

Lisa's ART space filled with my thoughts on running a home business and a family and the occassional snippett of deep thoughts and creative outs.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

weather report: snow......again

The weather report is snow...again. It's the weekend and we have to make due inside.

Good thing I bought more paints yesterday. My daughter Emily seems to enjoy the paint. I went over colors with her, and we did some finger painting. So nice to share the creativity with others. It's been some time since I've done any artwork. Finding a balance is challenging. Though I was thinking, as I gaze out the window, that I should come up with a holiday theme for next years holiday card. Never to early to plan.

I also realize that despite going to see my mom (bubbie)recently, we again forgot to get the sleds out of the basement for our kids. Maybe next time. lol

I decided to get my site tweeked a bit and hope to enjoy more traffic to it. I've been adding stuff to my site but I've come to the conclusion I could use someone with internet marketing experience. My mind was getting a "full box" feeling trying to sort out the do's and how to's to improve my site. When you need help, delegate and Ask.

I'm in touch with a SEO I met at the Ryze network. We bartered some services and products during the holiday season. I'm enjoying working with her. Ryze is a great place to meet people on the internet.
Networking, network,network.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

a New Year 2005

Well the New Year has come. My family and I seemed to start on a down note. Our two girls, and then both of us got conjunctivis. All on eye meds for 7 days,... but stuff happens. I can remember getting ear infections on holidays and weekends as a kid, though my ears turned out fine. When we felt better we did eventually go out for an asian meal. The girls enjoyed themselves.
I spend some time updating my website. I added a "customers comments" page, and a link to my Cafepress store. I just joined I uploaded a few images and created a few new products. I'm excited about having a variety of items. I have also added a FAQ page through Customers can search for info or send me a question.
I'm hoping this year will be better. This past year my business has needed a boost.
Perservere, Persevere.

Take care

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