Dog Days soon to end, School to begin
Well it's August and we're nearing the end of summer.
School will be opening before you know it and my oldest will be getting on the bus to go to preschool, her first
full year at pre-school. How exciting.
I must say some hot "dog days of summer" can cause some lack of inspiration. Yet I must learn to be excited like the first days of school, open to the possibilties. I do get ideas and moments of inspiration but I'm not always in a position to grab it. So I make a note.
It also helps to swap ideas and do group projects.
Wetcanvas is an art community that is enriching for artists. One section is a "Project section". You can post images "in Progress", then the Final image when your done and get feedback. It's interesting how one reference photo can turn out so different by each artist. We all have our methods and favorite mediums.
I did one of a Jumper (head portrait).

Meduim: Ebony pencil.
You can see my progress to final image at:
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Gallop Pony T-shirt

Have your child romping in this cute pony Tee.
School will be opening before you know it and my oldest will be getting on the bus to go to preschool, her first
full year at pre-school. How exciting.
I must say some hot "dog days of summer" can cause some lack of inspiration. Yet I must learn to be excited like the first days of school, open to the possibilties. I do get ideas and moments of inspiration but I'm not always in a position to grab it. So I make a note.
It also helps to swap ideas and do group projects.
Wetcanvas is an art community that is enriching for artists. One section is a "Project section". You can post images "in Progress", then the Final image when your done and get feedback. It's interesting how one reference photo can turn out so different by each artist. We all have our methods and favorite mediums.
I did one of a Jumper (head portrait).

Meduim: Ebony pencil.
You can see my progress to final image at:
Jumper head
Featured Product;
Gallop Pony T-shirt

Have your child romping in this cute pony Tee.
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Suit Accuses Axl Rose of Taking Revenues
The suit was filed Aug. 17 in federal court by Slash and Duff, otherwise known as Saul Hudson and Michael McKagan.
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