Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays
By Jeff Herring
"Celebrate, celebrate! Dance to the music!" - Three Dog Night
"I just want to celebrate another day of livin'." - Rare Earth
"It's a celebration!"- Kool and the Gang
Let's put this under the heading of "things I just don't
What I want to know is this - why do we treat the holiday season like it's an emergency?
I mean, it's not like Christmas comes as a surprise every year.
Because we treat the holiday season as an emergency, we tend to forget what the season is all about: celebration!
Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or simply a few days off from work, the point is to celebrate.
With that notion in mind, I've taken the word "celebration" and come up with 11 suggestions for how to tap into the power of celebration in your life.
Cherish- Cherish your life, your loved ones, your work. My dictionary defines cherish as "to hold dear to you." There are so many things in our lives to cherish. What might it be for you?
Enthusiasm - So many people go through each day in a trance. If you don't believe me, just stand outside a large office building on_Monday morning, and you'll see what I mean.
What would our lives be like if we brought the same kind of enthusiasm that we bring to a football game into all areas of our lives?
Living with Passion- "Live with passion" is the motto of motivational expert Tony Robbins. Similar to enthusiasm, living with passion means to make the most of every day, every event, every gift, every relationship.
Excitement - Have you ever noticed that many of the sensations that are part of excitement (rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, feeling charged) are also the same sensations that go along with anxiety? How could you change your anxiety into excitement this year?
Belief - It was Jesus who said, "If you have be lief the size of a mustard seed, you can say to that mountain, move, and it shall be moved." The power of belief allows us to move the mountains of our lives.
Rejoice - Exactly what does it mean to rejoice? My dictionary defines rejoice as "to feel or express joy or gladness, to exult." A rejoicing soul is a happy soul: Find something to rejoice in this holiday.
Attitude and action - It's been said that "your attitude determines your altitude." While that may be true in part, attitude is worthless unless it's followed by action.
Time - We are all familiar with the old saying, "Time heals all wounds." Sorry, I don't buy it. Time is neutral; it merely passes. It's what we do with our time that makes the difference between mediocrity and a life well lived.
Imagination - Do you use yours? Or have you set it aside? The power of imagination is at the root of every great change and achievement.
Opportunity - When we focus on what is wrong with our lives, we tend to miss the opportunities that come our way. When we are celebrating our lives, we are focusing on what works, and then are able to see the multitude or opportunities that come our way each day.
Now: Celebrate now - Not next year, not when you are out of school, not when you get that new job or are making more money. Celebrate now. No one is promised a next year or even a tomorrow. Celebrate now.
In closing, if you used just one of these tips in this holiday season and next year, I believe you would benefit.
Allow me to leave you with this question:
What would your life be like if you used all 11 of them, and celebrated all year long?
Visit The Internet Article Guy for more leading edge tips and tools for writing articles that bring you prospects, publicity and profits. You can also subscribe to our monthly Article Writing & Marketing Tips Newsletter. You are also invited to visit my http://www.theinternetarticleguy.com/express-start.htm Express-Start Article Writing Program for more information on the next article writing tele-seminar.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeff_Herring

"Window Panes"
In 2002, My husband and I bought a house in Pawtucket, RI. We had been in a three room apartment
in Quincy, MA for about 5 years. I became pregnant with our first child so we decided to look to buy a house. We found this house in March with help from our sister-in-law, who'd lived in Pawtucket a while. It was just right for us. We moved in March 23, 2002. Just three weeks after moving in I went into labor. We in time settled into our home and parenthood.
I really liked the old look of the windows on our porch. I've always liked an old touch to some things. So I created this illustration.
Card illustration
The Equine Art Guild's newest Showing
the third in a series of virtual Art Shows by the members of the Equine Art Guild
The Equine Art Guild is proud to showcase this special 10th Anniversary Virtual Art Show for members of the Equine Art Guild.
In our spirit of equality and comraderie, we have helped each other grow in our artistic skills over the years. This online exhibit showcases our proud achievements that we have accomplished through our association with the Equine Art Guild. Each artist was asked to submit a piece they created before they joined the EAG as well as a current piece to be able to reflect back on our growth over the past ten years.
Visit The Equine Art Guild website
Soldier Portraits
Darla Dixon organized a group of artists who will create no-charge compassionate portraits for the families who have lost a loved one in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom. We are looking for artists to join our efforts, and also for non-artists who will help spread the word about this free service and token of our gratitude to families who have sacrificed so much."
For more information, contact Darla (darla@darladixon.com) or visit
No Matter What the Weather, We can all Shop Together
Women Business Owners Holiday Expo
Online Shopping, Games & Contests
Thursday, December 6th
9am-9pm EST
The holidays are here, "Jingle Bells" is in the air, and snow flakes are falling on our noses. Stop by and visit with our holiday shoppers and vendors during this very festive time of year.
We have our shelves stocked and our samples ready. Don't fret about the lines or the weather. Come in your jammies and slippers.
Our online Holiday Expo will be located in an online conference room where our vendors will share information about their services, products, and specials. Our vendors will be speaking through microphones or typing through keyboards. Our attendees are encouraged to use webcams, microphones or keyboards to communicate with our vendors.
Our Jolly Vendors: Cindy Powers with Bright Minds, Ginny Headley Maserang with that's Headley! Jewelry Designs, Lisa Keone-Teeter with Chez Ami Children's Clothing, Julie Christin with Julie-Marie Bags , Helen Brown with Purse Party, Inc., Caryn FitzGerald with Biometics International, Yvette Syversen with Tastefully Simple, Barbara Bodling with Heaven's Blessings, Kathy Bittner with Nevaeh Bath & Spa Essentials, Lisa Wald Guarino with Lisa's Art & Horses, Treasia Stepp with Southern Belle Invitations, Karen Tracy with Arbonne, Patricia Thackston with The Baby Hammock, Lisa Keone-Teeter with Silpada Designs, and Jennifer Hudson with Mimsi Bags are excited to help you cross off your Holiday Gift List!
Our Merry Sponsors: Gazelle Simmons with Admin Services, Maryella Blundo with Dream Come True Travel, DJ Nelson with Little Diva Toys, Jennifer Hudson Mimsi Bags & Accessories, Tonya Ramsey with Life By Design, Kelli Claypool with Mom Of Praise, Ginger Marks with DocUmeant Designs, Michelle Jasper with Discovery Toys, Terri Vassallo with Luxurious Candles, Sherry Miller with Warm Spirit, Rebecca Vanni with Raining Gems, Holly Munsinger with HoustonWAHMs, and Martie Collins with Host Caters help make this event possible!
Lisa Wald Guarino
Lisa's Art & Horses
181 West Forest Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Holidays: The Power of Celebration
By Jeff Herring
"Celebrate, celebrate! Dance to the music!" - Three Dog Night
"I just want to celebrate another day of livin'." - Rare Earth
"It's a celebration!"- Kool and the Gang
Let's put this under the heading of "things I just don't
What I want to know is this - why do we treat the holiday season like it's an emergency?
I mean, it's not like Christmas comes as a surprise every year.
Because we treat the holiday season as an emergency, we tend to forget what the season is all about: celebration!
Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or simply a few days off from work, the point is to celebrate.
With that notion in mind, I've taken the word "celebration" and come up with 11 suggestions for how to tap into the power of celebration in your life.
Cherish- Cherish your life, your loved ones, your work. My dictionary defines cherish as "to hold dear to you." There are so many things in our lives to cherish. What might it be for you?
Enthusiasm - So many people go through each day in a trance. If you don't believe me, just stand outside a large office building on_Monday morning, and you'll see what I mean.
What would our lives be like if we brought the same kind of enthusiasm that we bring to a football game into all areas of our lives?
Living with Passion- "Live with passion" is the motto of motivational expert Tony Robbins. Similar to enthusiasm, living with passion means to make the most of every day, every event, every gift, every relationship.
Excitement - Have you ever noticed that many of the sensations that are part of excitement (rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, feeling charged) are also the same sensations that go along with anxiety? How could you change your anxiety into excitement this year?
Belief - It was Jesus who said, "If you have be lief the size of a mustard seed, you can say to that mountain, move, and it shall be moved." The power of belief allows us to move the mountains of our lives.
Rejoice - Exactly what does it mean to rejoice? My dictionary defines rejoice as "to feel or express joy or gladness, to exult." A rejoicing soul is a happy soul: Find something to rejoice in this holiday.
Attitude and action - It's been said that "your attitude determines your altitude." While that may be true in part, attitude is worthless unless it's followed by action.
Time - We are all familiar with the old saying, "Time heals all wounds." Sorry, I don't buy it. Time is neutral; it merely passes. It's what we do with our time that makes the difference between mediocrity and a life well lived.
Imagination - Do you use yours? Or have you set it aside? The power of imagination is at the root of every great change and achievement.
Opportunity - When we focus on what is wrong with our lives, we tend to miss the opportunities that come our way. When we are celebrating our lives, we are focusing on what works, and then are able to see the multitude or opportunities that come our way each day.
Now: Celebrate now - Not next year, not when you are out of school, not when you get that new job or are making more money. Celebrate now. No one is promised a next year or even a tomorrow. Celebrate now.
In closing, if you used just one of these tips in this holiday season and next year, I believe you would benefit.
Allow me to leave you with this question:
What would your life be like if you used all 11 of them, and celebrated all year long?
Visit The Internet Article Guy for more leading edge tips and tools for writing articles that bring you prospects, publicity and profits. You can also subscribe to our monthly Article Writing & Marketing Tips Newsletter. You are also invited to visit my http://www.theinternetarticleguy.com/express-start.htm Express-Start Article Writing Program for more information on the next article writing tele-seminar.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeff_Herring
Feature Art/product

"Window Panes"
In 2002, My husband and I bought a house in Pawtucket, RI. We had been in a three room apartment
in Quincy, MA for about 5 years. I became pregnant with our first child so we decided to look to buy a house. We found this house in March with help from our sister-in-law, who'd lived in Pawtucket a while. It was just right for us. We moved in March 23, 2002. Just three weeks after moving in I went into labor. We in time settled into our home and parenthood.
I really liked the old look of the windows on our porch. I've always liked an old touch to some things. So I created this illustration.
Card illustration
Art News
The Equine Art Guild's newest Showing
the third in a series of virtual Art Shows by the members of the Equine Art Guild
The Equine Art Guild is proud to showcase this special 10th Anniversary Virtual Art Show for members of the Equine Art Guild.
In our spirit of equality and comraderie, we have helped each other grow in our artistic skills over the years. This online exhibit showcases our proud achievements that we have accomplished through our association with the Equine Art Guild. Each artist was asked to submit a piece they created before they joined the EAG as well as a current piece to be able to reflect back on our growth over the past ten years.
Visit The Equine Art Guild website
Soldier Portraits
Darla Dixon organized a group of artists who will create no-charge compassionate portraits for the families who have lost a loved one in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom. We are looking for artists to join our efforts, and also for non-artists who will help spread the word about this free service and token of our gratitude to families who have sacrificed so much."
For more information, contact Darla (darla@darladixon.com) or visit
Other Events
No Matter What the Weather, We can all Shop Together
Women Business Owners Holiday Expo
Online Shopping, Games & Contests
Thursday, December 6th
9am-9pm EST
The holidays are here, "Jingle Bells" is in the air, and snow flakes are falling on our noses. Stop by and visit with our holiday shoppers and vendors during this very festive time of year.
We have our shelves stocked and our samples ready. Don't fret about the lines or the weather. Come in your jammies and slippers.
Our online Holiday Expo will be located in an online conference room where our vendors will share information about their services, products, and specials. Our vendors will be speaking through microphones or typing through keyboards. Our attendees are encouraged to use webcams, microphones or keyboards to communicate with our vendors.
Our Jolly Vendors: Cindy Powers with Bright Minds, Ginny Headley Maserang with that's Headley! Jewelry Designs, Lisa Keone-Teeter with Chez Ami Children's Clothing, Julie Christin with Julie-Marie Bags , Helen Brown with Purse Party, Inc., Caryn FitzGerald with Biometics International, Yvette Syversen with Tastefully Simple, Barbara Bodling with Heaven's Blessings, Kathy Bittner with Nevaeh Bath & Spa Essentials, Lisa Wald Guarino with Lisa's Art & Horses, Treasia Stepp with Southern Belle Invitations, Karen Tracy with Arbonne, Patricia Thackston with The Baby Hammock, Lisa Keone-Teeter with Silpada Designs, and Jennifer Hudson with Mimsi Bags are excited to help you cross off your Holiday Gift List!
Our Merry Sponsors: Gazelle Simmons with Admin Services, Maryella Blundo with Dream Come True Travel, DJ Nelson with Little Diva Toys, Jennifer Hudson Mimsi Bags & Accessories, Tonya Ramsey with Life By Design, Kelli Claypool with Mom Of Praise, Ginger Marks with DocUmeant Designs, Michelle Jasper with Discovery Toys, Terri Vassallo with Luxurious Candles, Sherry Miller with Warm Spirit, Rebecca Vanni with Raining Gems, Holly Munsinger with HoustonWAHMs, and Martie Collins with Host Caters help make this event possible!
Lisa Wald Guarino
Lisa's Art & Horses
181 West Forest Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02860
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