Happy St. Patrick's Day.... Do you feel Lucky?
St. Patrick's Day is March 17
What is Luck?
Being "Lucky" or having "Luck" isn't for just some people. Some people may think that "Luck" is only for some people but they are misled. True Luck is within everyone's reach. The power is within us all.
Here's a wonderful articles that points out each golden aspect that our lives hold.
"Your Life Is A Pot Of Gold"
By Lori Radun
Are only leprechauns lucky enough to find the pot of gold? Absolutely not. You have a pot of gold right there at your fingertips. It's your life. By taking the time to stop and look, you will notice all the riches around you and within you. Let's go on a journey to find your pot of gold.
Finding your Treasures
Your treasures are those people, places or things that are near and dear to your heart. What's important to you? Certainly your children or a spouse would make this list. Maybe it's a friend that always remembers your birthday, or the Starbucks coffee girl that always brightens your day with a smile. Besides my own family, I love my church family. Anyone who shares their heart with me is held close to me. This past weekend I led a women's retreat, and my heart was filled from all the wonderful women I met throughout the weekend. What places in your life bring you joy or peace? Maybe it's nature, a special room in your home, or a favorite restaurant. For me, when I lay down in my bed to read and relax, I feel blessed. My bed is soft, cozy and warm. What values strike a chord with you? Perhaps it is achievement, trustworthiness, or faith. Or maybe it is creativity, companionship, or spirituality. Connect with and protect those ideals in your life and you will experience richness.
The Precious Moments
Everyday, there are moments in time that are just like pieces of gold. However, most of the time, we are too busy to capture them. Yesterday, I had many of those moments. I watched my five year old perform silly tricks with silly names on the bed. I enjoyed moments of relaxation because I gave myself the gift of a housecleaner. While shopping for medicine at the drugstore, I realized the Easter candy was out. One of my favorite candies is Robin's eggs. I indulged and bought a bag - it only happens once a year! I marveled at my teenager's fashion sense. He is picking out his own clothes now, and I must admit, he has sharp taste. Gone are the days of shorts and t-shirts, and me telling him, "That doesn't match". Now, he meticulously selects the perfect pair of cargo shorts with a matching "Apt. 9" polo shirt. Slow down, take a look around, and savor those precious moments.
Identifying your Gifts and Talents
Other pieces of gold in your pot are all the gifts and talents you have within you. What are your strengths? Maybe you great at sewing or decorating. Perhaps you're a great cook or you have a deep sense of empathy for people. Make a list of all the strengths and talents you have been blessed with. Stretch yourself and don't stop until you have reached 50. Now, ask several close family members and friends to add to your list. Chances are, they will see things in yourself that you don't. Have gratitude for your strengths and believe that your gifts and talents are just as important as anyone else's.
Creating and Protecting Your Memories
Everyday, we have the opportunity to create special memories. We can turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary day just by focusing on creating memories. The other day, my best friend sent me pictures of her three little girls all having a tea party at home. What did it take to create this memory? It took a little imagination, a lot of love, a few moments of time, and a digital camera. My five year old loves cars! One day I had an idea that delighted him immensely! We separated all his cars (and he has a lot of cars) by type of car and then took pictures of all the different categories…emergency vehicles, pick up trucks, sports cars, race cars, etc. Time goes by so fast, and if we are not proactive about creating these special memories, you'll miss them. So get out your creativity, a camera and a journal, and start filling your pot of gold.
Giving a Voice to Your Dreamer
As memories represent the past, your dreams represent the future. What do you dream of being or doing one day? I talk to so many moms who have lost their ability to connect with what they are passionate about. It's not that the passions and dreams are missing - they are just buried. Maybe that critical inner voice has discouraged you from dreaming. Our dreams and passions give us hope and joy! Don't let that part of you die. I dream of becoming a popular speaker and inspiring moms wherever I go. I dream of owning a motor home one day and traveling all around the country. I dream of writing a book one day. I am passionate about reading, singing, and personal growth. Dig deep and find your dreams and passions that are lying on the bottom of your pot of gold.
Did you find your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or is it right there with you? Focus on and have gratitude for all the important people, places and things in your life and your life will be blessed. Slow down and savor the precious moments that slip away when you are too busy to see them. Honor your gifts, talents and strengths by seeing them for what they are. Realize your pot of gold contains all your special memories, dreams, and passions. Dig deep and pull out those pieces of gold so you can live a rich life.
Lori Radun, CEC – certified life coach for moms. To receive her FREE newsletter, FREE Guilt-free Parenting 4-part mini eCourse and the FREE special report “155 Things Moms Can Do To Raise Great Children”, go to http://www.true2youlifecoaching.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lori_Radun http://EzineArticles.com/?Your-Life-Is-A-Pot-Of-Gold&id=514579
So open your golden chest of treasures and enjoy.

"Lori's Foal"
Lori was a horse I rode for a little while at Haskins Farm. She had a filly in the spring, 1997. I visited her and her newborn. One day they were outside in the corral enjoying the sun and warm weather. It was one of the First warm days of Spring and there was still some snow leftover. I watched as the foal investigated the snow and then rolled and played in it. I took a few photos of them. I then made a picture of "Mom" and her foal near a small pile of melting snow. My tribute to "Beings of spring".
Lori's Foal is available in cards at my Zazzle.com
and on a writing journal at my Cafepress store.
The Equine Art Guild's newest Showing
the third in a series of virtual Art Shows by the members of the Equine Art Guild
The Equine Art Guild is proud to showcase this special 10th Anniversary Virtual Art Show for members of the Equine Art Guild.
In our spirit of equality and comraderie, we have helped each other grow in our artistic skills over the years. This online exhibit showcases our proud achievements that we have accomplished through our association with the Equine Art Guild. Each artist was asked to submit a piece they created before they joined the EAG as well as a current piece to be able to reflect back on our growth over the past ten years.
Visit The Equine Art Guild website.
Soldier Portraits
Darla Dixon organized a group of artists who will create no-charge compassionate portraits for the families who have lost a loved one in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom. We are looking for artists to join our efforts, and also for non-artists who will help spread the word about this free service and token of our gratitude to families who have sacrificed so much."
For more information, contact Darla (darla@darladixon.com) or visit SoldierPortraits.org.
Spring is in the Air!
Spring is in the air, come join us as we learn, shop, laugh, and network. Women from all walks of life will be joining together to grow their business, meet other women, and share what they have learned through networking.
Women Business Owners (WBO) will be having their annual Spring Market online event, starting Thursday, March 20th, 7am-3pm PST/8am-4pm MST/9am-5pm CST/10am-6pm EST.
This event features 7 hours with vendor presentations, games and prizes. We are calling out raffle ticket winners every hour! For those present on March 20th, they will have the chance to win special raffle prizes, including tickets to the WBO Convention on October 10-12 worth $125 each and one Convention Silver Sponsorship worth $750!
Raffle tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5 and you don’t have to be present to win any prize except for the seven (7) convention tickets and one (1) convention silver sponsorship.
Visit today to sign up as a vendor (receive 30 minutes for $10), be a sponsor ($20 per business) or purchase a raffle ticket at http://www.womenbizowners.org under Spring Market for more information.
We would like to thank our sponsors for making this event happen:
Admin Services
ALCO Consultants, LLC
Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity! We encourage you to participate by either becoming a sponsor, a vendor or attending for your chance to win.
See you there!
Women Business Owners is an International non-profit organization that helps you discover the power of business ownership through classes, mentoring, networking, advertising, and more within your busy work and personal schedule. We believe YOU are the heart of your business. Learn how to market your business, reach your goals, find new customers, and more.
Lisa Wald Guarino
Lisa's Art & Horses
181 West Forest Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Do you feel your Lucky?
What is Luck?
Being "Lucky" or having "Luck" isn't for just some people. Some people may think that "Luck" is only for some people but they are misled. True Luck is within everyone's reach. The power is within us all.
Here's a wonderful articles that points out each golden aspect that our lives hold.
"Your Life Is A Pot Of Gold"
By Lori Radun
Are only leprechauns lucky enough to find the pot of gold? Absolutely not. You have a pot of gold right there at your fingertips. It's your life. By taking the time to stop and look, you will notice all the riches around you and within you. Let's go on a journey to find your pot of gold.
Finding your Treasures
Your treasures are those people, places or things that are near and dear to your heart. What's important to you? Certainly your children or a spouse would make this list. Maybe it's a friend that always remembers your birthday, or the Starbucks coffee girl that always brightens your day with a smile. Besides my own family, I love my church family. Anyone who shares their heart with me is held close to me. This past weekend I led a women's retreat, and my heart was filled from all the wonderful women I met throughout the weekend. What places in your life bring you joy or peace? Maybe it's nature, a special room in your home, or a favorite restaurant. For me, when I lay down in my bed to read and relax, I feel blessed. My bed is soft, cozy and warm. What values strike a chord with you? Perhaps it is achievement, trustworthiness, or faith. Or maybe it is creativity, companionship, or spirituality. Connect with and protect those ideals in your life and you will experience richness.
The Precious Moments
Everyday, there are moments in time that are just like pieces of gold. However, most of the time, we are too busy to capture them. Yesterday, I had many of those moments. I watched my five year old perform silly tricks with silly names on the bed. I enjoyed moments of relaxation because I gave myself the gift of a housecleaner. While shopping for medicine at the drugstore, I realized the Easter candy was out. One of my favorite candies is Robin's eggs. I indulged and bought a bag - it only happens once a year! I marveled at my teenager's fashion sense. He is picking out his own clothes now, and I must admit, he has sharp taste. Gone are the days of shorts and t-shirts, and me telling him, "That doesn't match". Now, he meticulously selects the perfect pair of cargo shorts with a matching "Apt. 9" polo shirt. Slow down, take a look around, and savor those precious moments.
Identifying your Gifts and Talents
Other pieces of gold in your pot are all the gifts and talents you have within you. What are your strengths? Maybe you great at sewing or decorating. Perhaps you're a great cook or you have a deep sense of empathy for people. Make a list of all the strengths and talents you have been blessed with. Stretch yourself and don't stop until you have reached 50. Now, ask several close family members and friends to add to your list. Chances are, they will see things in yourself that you don't. Have gratitude for your strengths and believe that your gifts and talents are just as important as anyone else's.
Creating and Protecting Your Memories
Everyday, we have the opportunity to create special memories. We can turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary day just by focusing on creating memories. The other day, my best friend sent me pictures of her three little girls all having a tea party at home. What did it take to create this memory? It took a little imagination, a lot of love, a few moments of time, and a digital camera. My five year old loves cars! One day I had an idea that delighted him immensely! We separated all his cars (and he has a lot of cars) by type of car and then took pictures of all the different categories…emergency vehicles, pick up trucks, sports cars, race cars, etc. Time goes by so fast, and if we are not proactive about creating these special memories, you'll miss them. So get out your creativity, a camera and a journal, and start filling your pot of gold.
Giving a Voice to Your Dreamer
As memories represent the past, your dreams represent the future. What do you dream of being or doing one day? I talk to so many moms who have lost their ability to connect with what they are passionate about. It's not that the passions and dreams are missing - they are just buried. Maybe that critical inner voice has discouraged you from dreaming. Our dreams and passions give us hope and joy! Don't let that part of you die. I dream of becoming a popular speaker and inspiring moms wherever I go. I dream of owning a motor home one day and traveling all around the country. I dream of writing a book one day. I am passionate about reading, singing, and personal growth. Dig deep and find your dreams and passions that are lying on the bottom of your pot of gold.
Did you find your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or is it right there with you? Focus on and have gratitude for all the important people, places and things in your life and your life will be blessed. Slow down and savor the precious moments that slip away when you are too busy to see them. Honor your gifts, talents and strengths by seeing them for what they are. Realize your pot of gold contains all your special memories, dreams, and passions. Dig deep and pull out those pieces of gold so you can live a rich life.
Lori Radun, CEC – certified life coach for moms. To receive her FREE newsletter, FREE Guilt-free Parenting 4-part mini eCourse and the FREE special report “155 Things Moms Can Do To Raise Great Children”, go to http://www.true2youlifecoaching.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lori_Radun http://EzineArticles.com/?Your-Life-Is-A-Pot-Of-Gold&id=514579
So open your golden chest of treasures and enjoy.
Feature Art/product

"Lori's Foal"
Lori was a horse I rode for a little while at Haskins Farm. She had a filly in the spring, 1997. I visited her and her newborn. One day they were outside in the corral enjoying the sun and warm weather. It was one of the First warm days of Spring and there was still some snow leftover. I watched as the foal investigated the snow and then rolled and played in it. I took a few photos of them. I then made a picture of "Mom" and her foal near a small pile of melting snow. My tribute to "Beings of spring".
Lori's Foal is available in cards at my Zazzle.com
and on a writing journal at my Cafepress store.
Art News
The Equine Art Guild's newest Showing
the third in a series of virtual Art Shows by the members of the Equine Art Guild
The Equine Art Guild is proud to showcase this special 10th Anniversary Virtual Art Show for members of the Equine Art Guild.
In our spirit of equality and comraderie, we have helped each other grow in our artistic skills over the years. This online exhibit showcases our proud achievements that we have accomplished through our association with the Equine Art Guild. Each artist was asked to submit a piece they created before they joined the EAG as well as a current piece to be able to reflect back on our growth over the past ten years.
Visit The Equine Art Guild website.
Soldier Portraits
Darla Dixon organized a group of artists who will create no-charge compassionate portraits for the families who have lost a loved one in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom. We are looking for artists to join our efforts, and also for non-artists who will help spread the word about this free service and token of our gratitude to families who have sacrificed so much."
For more information, contact Darla (darla@darladixon.com) or visit SoldierPortraits.org.
Other Events
Spring is in the Air!
Spring is in the air, come join us as we learn, shop, laugh, and network. Women from all walks of life will be joining together to grow their business, meet other women, and share what they have learned through networking.
Women Business Owners (WBO) will be having their annual Spring Market online event, starting Thursday, March 20th, 7am-3pm PST/8am-4pm MST/9am-5pm CST/10am-6pm EST.
This event features 7 hours with vendor presentations, games and prizes. We are calling out raffle ticket winners every hour! For those present on March 20th, they will have the chance to win special raffle prizes, including tickets to the WBO Convention on October 10-12 worth $125 each and one Convention Silver Sponsorship worth $750!
Raffle tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5 and you don’t have to be present to win any prize except for the seven (7) convention tickets and one (1) convention silver sponsorship.
Visit today to sign up as a vendor (receive 30 minutes for $10), be a sponsor ($20 per business) or purchase a raffle ticket at http://www.womenbizowners.org under Spring Market for more information.
We would like to thank our sponsors for making this event happen:
Admin Services
ALCO Consultants, LLC
Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity! We encourage you to participate by either becoming a sponsor, a vendor or attending for your chance to win.
See you there!
Women Business Owners is an International non-profit organization that helps you discover the power of business ownership through classes, mentoring, networking, advertising, and more within your busy work and personal schedule. We believe YOU are the heart of your business. Learn how to market your business, reach your goals, find new customers, and more.
Lisa Wald Guarino
Lisa's Art & Horses
181 West Forest Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02860
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