Horse stories that touch our hearts
“Horse stories that touch our hearts”
There’s an incredible connection that can happen between a man/ women and a horse. The old saying “The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man” rings true.
I’ve watched horse shows as well as ridden myself in shows to know the statement is true. There’s something special when we connect. As we learn to work with them we discover how we can work to create a better connection.
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to see one great trainer, Monty Roberts, present at an event. It’s was amazing to see him work with the horses there and witness the changes with the horse and the rider/owners. It solidified for me that with patience and an open mind we can find the way to connect in the right manner.
Even yesterday, Big Brown’s jockey made comments that he sensed that the horse may have been off and “took care of him”. Big Brown won the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes. Yet he didn’t make history and become another “Triple Crown Winner". But that didn't matter as much as taking care of Big Brown.
Throughout history there has been an amazing connection with horses and people. To read or watch those stories that touch our hearts brings out the best in ourselves.
I’ve selected a number of horse stories, books and movies, at my site that bring the connection between man/women and horses together in wonderful ways.
Books on horses
“Warming up to changes”
I’ve been able to sit outside and watch the kids enjoying their new swing set (thanks to family), and the warmer weather. The purple and white irises in our garden have now bloomed and the large tree in our yard gives us ample shade since the leaves have opened.
I’ve taken on a few new things too in my business.
I bought an entrepreneurial book, “The Way of the Accidental Entrepreneur”, and signed up with the coaching group to help me brainstorm, and get clear on the things in my business that need clarification and feedback.
I recently revamped my site too. I changed what I wasn’t happy with and what didn’t seem to be working and placed what I wanted to focus on more to the forefront.
Now that I’ve done that work, I would love to have you explore my updated site and tell me what you think.
Lisa's Art & Horses
Please feel free to email at:
Feature Art/product

"Midnight Race"
"Midnight Race" is a lithograph I did when I was at Southeastern Massachusetts University. I learned a couple of techniques used to make lithographs in the Lithography course I took. I wished to capture the beauty and power in horses, yet I didn't want it so realistic. I experimented and came up with this image. Later, I entered it in "The Okterfest" of the Taunton Art Association. I received Second Place. Another day I met the artist who was one of the judges at that show. She was excited to meet me and told me she thought the image was real good. With that I entered it with only some hope, of course, into the juried show at "The Harborfest" in Cohasett. Much to my surprise and joy, I received notice the image got into the juried exhibit and received an Honorable Mention award. It was a hightlight in my art career.
Available in prints $65.
Please feel free to contact me with questions on art/products and/or comments at
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Lisa Guarino, Lisa's Art & Horses: Interview at WAHFamily talk radio with Sandra on Monday at 10am.
Art News
The Equine Art Guild's newest Showing
the third in a series of virtual Art Shows by the members of the Equine Art Guild
The Equine Art Guild is proud to showcase this special 10th Anniversary Virtual Art Show for members of the Equine Art Guild.
In our spirit of equality and comraderie, we have helped each other grow in our artistic skills over the years. This online exhibit showcases our proud achievements that we have accomplished through our association with the Equine Art Guild. Each artist was asked to submit a piece they created before they joined the EAG as well as a current piece to be able to reflect back on our growth over the past ten years.
Visit The Equine Art Guild website
Soldier Portraits
Darla Dixon organized a group of artists who will create no-charge compassionate portraits for the families who have lost a loved one in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom. We are looking for artists to join our efforts, and also for non-artists who will help spread the word about this free service and token of our gratitude to families who have sacrificed so much."
For more information, contact Darla ( or visit
Other Events
April 4, 2008 Houston, Texas: Join Women Business Owners (WBO) online at our JULY EXPO as we learn, shop, laugh, and network. Women from all walks of life will be joining to grow their business, meet other women, and share what they have learned through networking.
This year’s event runs for three days: Thursday, July 17 - Saturday July 19, 2008
Thursday & Friday 7:30am-6pm PST/10:30am-9pm EST
Saturday 7:30am-2:30pm PST/10:30am-5:30pm EST
The JULY EXPO is open to anyone who would like to attend. For more information on the vendors and sponsors of the event, or to join in the festivities on July 17-19, please visit the JULY EXPO site at
Women Business Owners (WBO) is an international 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, founded in February 2004. Our organization provides education and support for more than 3,000 women business owners throughout the world with online and offline resources. Please visit today to find out more information about Women Business Owners!
We offer our members online networking chats, online classes, online seminars, online events, and offline (local) networking groups, annual offline convention, and more! WBO's mission is to help more women succeed in business.
WBO Events Director Anita Bruton says, “WBO is open to all women business owners. Your personal life and business will benefit from being an active member in our group. We believe that through the sharing of knowledge, experience, and direction, our members will find their path on their own business and personal journey.”
WBO is currently seeking sponsors for their upcoming convention to be held October 10th to 12th, 2008 in Houston Texas. You may find more information through their website You may also contact the Events Director, Anita Bruton by phone 877-889-5011, or email or
Lisa Wald Guarino
Lisa's Art & Horses
181 West Forest Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Labels: cards, gift items, horse art, paintings, pet portraits, t-shirts
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