Lisa's ART space

Lisa's ART space filled with my thoughts on running a home business and a family and the occassional snippett of deep thoughts and creative outs.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

my intro

I'm Lisa Wald Guarino. I'm new here. I found out about blogging from wahm newsletter and thought I'd check it out.
I'm an artist and horselover. I created a business using my talent: Lisa's ART & Horses. Presently I run my biz part time. Most of my time is taken up with my two little girls. Emily, 2, and Amanda 4 mos. They keep me quite busy.
I remember when Emily was born how new to parenthood my hubby and I felt. But in time there developed a rhythm and knowledge. Then things changed again, as they do, when I became pregnant again. Though it was planned and we'd been on a long rode to making a family, I found having a second child felt like a whole new ball game. Talking with other moms of two, the same resounds from them. But I wouldn't change it for the world.

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