March: Celebrate Women's History Month
March: Celebrate Women's History
In 1978, "Women's History Week" was formed by a group of women in California to generate public consciousness of all women in history.
As word spread rapidly across the nation, state departments of education encouraged celebrations of National Women's History Week as an effective means to achieving equity goals within classrooms.
In 1987, the National Women's History Project petitioned Congress to expand the national celebration to the entire month of March.
Since then, the National Women's History Month Resolution has been approved with bipartisan support in both the House and Senate.
Each year, programs and activities in schools, workplaces, and communities have become more extensive as information and program ideas have been developed and shared. An organization was formed to further the education and bring programs to all in recognizing women's contributions.
The knowledge of women's history provides a more expansive vision of what a woman can do. This perspective can encourage girls and women to think larger and bolder and can give boys and men a fuller understanding of the female experience.
The theme for Women’s History Month 2007 is “Generations of Women Moving History Forward.” This theme celebrates the wisdom and tenacity of prior and future generations of women and recognizes the power and impact of generations working together. Moving History Forward is a process of individuals coming together for the greater good of the society and confirming the idea that individuals working together can be effective in building a better, more compassionate world.
To find out more about the "National Women's History Project got to:
Let's celebrate the women of today and the many women that came before us.
Feature Art/Product

Pastel portrait
"Missy", was a horse I rode in my riding lessons at Haskins Farm. She was a wonderful horse to ride and learn with.
Though when I first saw her, I would have never guessed what was to be in store in the future. I saw her at a horse show at Haskins Farm. I didn't think much except I picked her out as one horse there at that show that appealed to me. Another day I came to the barn for one of my lessons, and one of the girls there was excited. She asked me if I saw the new baby just born a few days ago. I said no and I followed her to the barn. I looked in to see "Missy" with her newborn foal. I remember thinking she was really beautiful, but still thought she's probably just a broodmare at the barn. She was owned by the Co-owner of the barn. A few months later, she started to be used in the school program and was being ridden by students. One day my instructor told me to go and get her as my horse to ride. I still remember the surprise and excitement I felt at the opportunity to ride her. I continued riding her. I rode her in the 1993 Show Season and ended the year as Champions of the Walk-Trot Division.
Later, I saw and got to visit her and her babies that she had in the following years. She let me visit and pet her and her baby. She seemed to trust I wouldn't hurt her or her baby. I got a number of pictures of her with her baby out in the corral.
It was wonderful watching them run and play and just relax. I made a portrait of one of her babies and her.
She developed a stifle problem after her last foal. It was slow at healing and would weaken the area permanently, thus they retired her from both the school program and from breeding. It was best for her health and quality of life.
Lisa Wald Guarino is a freelance artist. You may visit her website at She offers a variety of unique art products, as well as pet portrait services.
Article Source:
Lisa Guarino - EzineArticles Expert Author
Art Exhibit News
The Equine Art Guild's newest Showing
“The Artist's Horse As Muse ”
An exhibit of those special horses in each artist's life that have inspired them to create many a wonderous work of art.
Visit The Equine Art Guild website at
Equine Art Guild
Have a great day
"pass it on" to a friend.
Lisa Wald Guarino
Lisa's ART & Horses
181 West Forest Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02860