The Black Stallion and my memories
The Black Stallion and my memories
I’m told that little girls love horses. Then when they get older other things, perhaps boys (LOL) take their place.
Well not for some girls and woman. I’m one of them.
I’ve loved horses from the first time I was near them. The first time I was near them was when my parents would take us to a local farm for pony rides. I was probably one of the few children that didn’t cry when put on their back. I instead loved it. I’ve always been petite and thought it was great to see the world from their back. It was a perfect perch for a little girl. I also thought they were gentle and beautiful.
I learn to ride horses when I was able to talk my parents into sending me to a local camp where I could learn to ride them.
In my senior year in High school, I would spend time on the weekend going to a local barn to clean stalls for a chance to ride. Some days I rode the owner’s horse. Other days I’d just go there and do some drawing or groom the horse. It was wonderful.
Presently I don’t have time to be near horses much at all. But I still think about them and draw them.
Last week “The Black Stallion” movie aired again. I just had to see it again for the _ _ _ time. (LOL)
I saw it when it first came out in the 1980’s. My friend and I sat in front row seats.
My favorite scene and one I can connect to sort of on some level is when Alex rides The Black.
An Egyptian music mix with a strong drum beat slowly builds as Alex gets on The Black.
The drum beats gradually increases as Alex begins to ride. Alex has a couple of falls into the shallow water, but The Black returns and Alex gets back on.
Once Alex gets his balance they ride up onto the sand. The Drum beat is now in rhythm with the horse’s hoof beats. The camera view is close up and one can feel like “They're” riding The Black down the beach. The ride is a glorious event of Joy.
I’ve had my own wonderful riding moments and cherish everyone of them.
Presently I can only put it down on paper.
I dream of some day having a horse buddy to ride.
Perhaps I’ll be making more horse memories in the future.
So what's your favorite Horse movie or horse movie moment?
Happy trails
Happy Fathers Day
My Dad always made time for "family time". It was important. One of the things we did was we traditionally ate supper as a family just about every night.
Yet one of my favorite family times was our family vacations.
Mom and dad would decide on a place to go. They would plan where to stay and look thru the Tourbooks from AAA.Then, We would get up early and pack up the car and go.
The first place we went to was Washington, D.C.
We visited some museums and went on a tour of the White House. We also visited the zoo. We saw ling ling and sing sing the panda bears.
Over the years we visited places such as Vermont, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania (Amish country), and to Canada's Quebec and Niagara Falls.
The vacations were filled with learning about the place, seeing people and learning new things. Later my mom would compile the pictures in photos albums so to look at them and remember those great memories.
There was adventure. Tho I wouldn't really get the "travel bug", my sisters did. They traveled to places on the other side of the world.
I did revisit some places, such as Niagara Falls with my husband. It was a wonderful time and a great trip.
My Dad instilled learning and seeing what there to see.
Life is a journey, so take in what you can.
Happy Father's Day.
Feature Art/product

"Midnight Race"
"Midnight Race" is a lithograph I did when I was at Southeastern Massachusetts University. I learned a couple of techniques used to make lithographs in the Lithography course I took. I wished to capture the beauty and power in horses, yet I didn't want it so realistic. I experiemented and came up with this image. Later, I entered it in "The Okterfest" of the Tauton Art Association. I received Second Place. Another day I met the artist who was one of the judges at that show. She was excited to meet me and told me she thought the image was real good. With that I entered it with only some hope into the juried show at "The Harborfest" in Cohasett. Much to my surprise and joy, I received notice the image got into the juried exhibit and received an Honorable Mention award. It was a hightlight in my art career.
"Midnight Race" is available in prints, and T-shirts.
Art Exhibit News
The Equine Art Guild's newest Showing
“The Artist's Horse As Muse ”
An exhibit of those special horses in each artist's life that have inspired them to create many a wonderous work of art.
Visit The Equine Art Guild website at .