Nature’s Paintbrush

Summertime’s long days give us many wonderful opportunities.
Usually when we go visit family we head for home and it’s already night time It’s dark and sometimes only a moon is out and shining on our way home.
Well last Saturday when we left for home it was still light out. As we drove down the highway in the distance the sky was lit by the sun’s last rays. It was a beautiful yellow and orange sunset with a few scattered purple clouds. Our daughter Emily exclaimed “a rainbow”. She’s never really noticed a sunset before, until that day. So we gently corrected her and said , “it’s a Sunset”.
It was very colorful. Our girls enjoyed watching the sunset as we drove south down the highway.
It was a few miles down the rode when my husband and I noticed something else. Illuminated by the last light of the day was an incredibly beautiful cloud. It was a kind of cloud I’d never seen before. It was a very large cloud consisting of long wispy cloud streaks. It curved up into the sky. It was like a painting with big brush strokes curving heaven ward.
I found out later, this cloud formation has a name. It’s refer to as a “mare’s tail”.
The weatherman noted it during the late newscast.
I looked up some information about clouds. Here’s a link:
Nature always inspires me and this was just one more moment.
It is true that it’s hard to match nature’s beauty, yet we can grow from it each time we see something special.
I love nature. Having my children has now enabled me to look and share the world and nature with them.
There is wonder and amazing beauty in the world we live in. We just have to be open to seeing what is here.
Feature Art/product

Farm on Rte 104 "
I often go out driving around different towns or areas to take pictures of scenery or animals. I have often drove down Rte. 104 and saw this farm. One day I stopped and asked the owner if she minded if I do some drawing here. She told me many artist have stopped there and done paintings. I sat down and did some stetches as well as take a few pictures for reference. Later, I did a Pen and Ink drawing of the Farm.
I entered it into the spring exhibit at the Taunton Art Asssociation. It got a third place ribbon.
Available in prints at:
Art News
The Equine Art Guild's newest Showing
“The Artist's Horse As Muse ”
An exhibit of those special horses in each artist's life that have inspired them to create many a wonderous work of art.
Visit The Equine Art Guild website at
Soldier Portraits
Darla Dixon organized a group of artists who will create no-charge compassionate portraits for the families who have lost a loved one in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom. We are looking for artists to join our efforts, and also for non-artists who will help spread the word about this free service and token of our gratitude to families who have sacrificed so much."
For more information, contact Darla ( or visit
Lisa's Art & Horses
Lisa Wald Guarino
181 West Forest Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02860