Connecting with Others
Connecting with Others
In this time of fast paced lives, It’s important to make time to connect with others.
I can remember years ago before computers became household items, I enjoyed writing to some members of our family and a few pen pals. It was great to read about what they were doing and exchanging ideas.
Once computers and the internet became common place there were even more ways to connect to others. When I took my business online, I slowly gained knowledge about other ways to connect to people. Having an at-home business can seem lonely. So I joined a few networks where I’ve met some great people.
I needed some face to face contact, so I joined a couple of local groups. I collected their info and emailed them to get to know them and exchange ideas with them.
Connecting with others enriches our lives each day.
There are so many ways to connect today. Even with present lives being busy, we all must take time to connect with each other. It’s human nature after all.
I’ve found a new way to send cards and write to others.
Connecting with card is a great idea. So try it out.
I offer images available to SendOutcard users.
Card cover images for SendOutCards
Best to you
The Tree in the Backyard
We have a large tree in our backyard. It’s near the right corner of our yard. It has a good size trunk and its’ branches reach high up toward the sky above the house. It affords us a good amount of shade. We placed the sand box near it and the slide set is near it too. Our children can play in the shade when it’s hot.
The tree is also home to my birdfeeder. We have a number of birds that have visited it: cardinals, sparrows, mourning doves, titmouse and a nuthatch. We also have squirrels that love to climb the tree and fence.
In Fall the leaves change from their rich green to a vibrant yellow. The kids love collecting the leaves. We rake the leaves and create large piles. My oldest has helped with gathering the leaves and stuffing the bags full. We also can’t resist a little play of rolling and kicking the leaves about.
After raking most of the leaves, I leave a light layer of them to rejuvenate the grass and garden areas.
Once Winter has passed, I clear the old leaves to make room for spring growth. Flowers bloom and color our yard.
These are the wonders the tree offers.
I can see my children love our tree too. My youngest has been known to go up to it and give it a hug.
Thank you, Tree
Feature Art/product

"Great Pond in Fall"
The Reds, Yellows, and Oranges of the Fall season are inspiring.
One very popular activity is foliage viewing. I often love to drive around to view the beauty of the leaves that Jack Frost has left us. This is a fall painting I have done.
Here's more information on Fall foliage and Traveling during Fall guides:
Art News
The Equine Art Guild's newest Showing
“The Artist's Horse As Muse ”
An exhibit of those special horses in each artist's life that have inspired them to create many a wonderous work of art.
Visit The Equine Art Guild website.
"": Creating Treasures for the Families of Fallen Soldiers is a group of artists who provide families of deceased soldiers with art portraits. This is not a political group. Instead, the members focus on giving back to our soldiers and their families. is the brainchild of pencil portrait artist Darla Dixon who creates breathtakingly lifelike portraits from photographs. I had the opportunity to talk to Mrs. Dixon about Here is our discussion: read article....
For more information, contact Darla ( or visit
Lisa Wald Guarino
Lisa's Art & Horses
181 West Forest Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02860