Wonderous New Year
Happy New Year
A year is filled with many things, challenges as well as gifts.
This past Fall Our oldest daughter entered Kindergarten while her younger sister entered preschool. They both are enjoying school and learning. For them it's been an adventure in learning new things and meeting other children.
In the same token, I've learned some new things and have met other people too.
In my business, I've learned to network online and offline. I recently joined a local networking group and have enjoyed meeting new contacts. I've also attended online events and presented my business at a couple of them.
In implementing new things to add to my business I'm happy to say I've come across some wonderful projects to be involved in. One such project developed from a professional pencil portrait group. A sub-group was formed to offer portraits for soldiers who lost their lives in service: Soldierportraits.org. I recently did a soldier portrait and found it a moving and wonderful experience.
Another project is on the horizon. A huge mural about horses. There will be information on this project in the coming issues.
With implementing these and other new things into my business I've found that writing down goals each week has helped me stay focused and reach for bigger goals too.
I attended a wonderful seminar about resolutions and goal setting by Felicia Slattery. Felicia is a communications consultant. She offers courses and information about communicating in business.
I'd like to share 3 tips that she presented that I feel could help us all.
"3 P's of writing New Year's Resolutions for your business"
Using these three little gems alone will instantly put you miles ahead of where you may have been
in the past.
A. Positive: Goals should be phrased positively, so they help you
feel good about yourself and what you're trying to accomplish.
B. Personal: Goals must be personal. They must reflect your own
dreams and values, not those of friends, family, or the media. When
your goals are personal, you'll be motivated to succeed. You'll also
take greater pride in your accomplishments.
C. Possible: When setting goals, be sure to consider what's possible and within your control. If you want to make some drastic changes in your life, you cannot do everything at once. Start with
three things to change.
Felicia Slattery is a communication consultant, speaker and coach
specializing in training home-based business professionals to see
more cash flow through effective communication with their clients
and target audiences. She teaches teleseminars, leads workshops,
publishes written and audio materials, and offers private coaching to
individual clients on improving their communication skills. Having
taught communication skills for more than a decade, Felicia knows
what it takes to help her clients see results – she lives and
communicates with confidence! She offers a free e-course as well as a number of other
free resources available on her website.
Her newest business course:
Resolution Results for Your Business Success in 2008
Jump Start Your Network Marketing Biz now!

"Our Girls"
This is a pencil portrait of our two girls.
We've felt very blessed having our children and love watching them grow and learn.
This drawing was printed on a holiday card to family and friends.
Art News
The Equine Art Guild's newest Showing
the third in a series of virtual Art Shows by the members of the Equine Art Guild
The Equine Art Guild is proud to showcase this special 10th Anniversary Virtual Art Show for members of the Equine Art Guild.
In our spirit of equality and comraderie, we have helped each other grow in our artistic skills over the years. This online exhibit showcases our proud achievements that we have accomplished through our association with the Equine Art Guild. Each artist was asked to submit a piece they created before they joined the EAG as well as a current piece to be able to reflect back on our growth over the past ten years.
Visit The Equine Art Guild website
Soldier Portraits
Darla Dixon organized a group of artists who will create no-charge compassionate portraits for the families who have lost a loved one in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom. We are looking for artists to join our efforts, and also for non-artists who will help spread the word about this free service and token of our gratitude to families who have sacrificed so much."
For more information, contact Darla (darla@darladixon.com) or visit
Lisa Wald Guarino
Lisa's Art & Horses
181 West Forest Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02860
"Wonderous New Year"
A year is filled with many things, challenges as well as gifts.
This past Fall Our oldest daughter entered Kindergarten while her younger sister entered preschool. They both are enjoying school and learning. For them it's been an adventure in learning new things and meeting other children.
In the same token, I've learned some new things and have met other people too.
In my business, I've learned to network online and offline. I recently joined a local networking group and have enjoyed meeting new contacts. I've also attended online events and presented my business at a couple of them.
In implementing new things to add to my business I'm happy to say I've come across some wonderful projects to be involved in. One such project developed from a professional pencil portrait group. A sub-group was formed to offer portraits for soldiers who lost their lives in service: Soldierportraits.org. I recently did a soldier portrait and found it a moving and wonderful experience.
Another project is on the horizon. A huge mural about horses. There will be information on this project in the coming issues.
With implementing these and other new things into my business I've found that writing down goals each week has helped me stay focused and reach for bigger goals too.
I attended a wonderful seminar about resolutions and goal setting by Felicia Slattery. Felicia is a communications consultant. She offers courses and information about communicating in business.
I'd like to share 3 tips that she presented that I feel could help us all.
"3 P's of writing New Year's Resolutions for your business"
Using these three little gems alone will instantly put you miles ahead of where you may have been
in the past.
A. Positive: Goals should be phrased positively, so they help you
feel good about yourself and what you're trying to accomplish.
B. Personal: Goals must be personal. They must reflect your own
dreams and values, not those of friends, family, or the media. When
your goals are personal, you'll be motivated to succeed. You'll also
take greater pride in your accomplishments.
C. Possible: When setting goals, be sure to consider what's possible and within your control. If you want to make some drastic changes in your life, you cannot do everything at once. Start with
three things to change.
Felicia Slattery is a communication consultant, speaker and coach
specializing in training home-based business professionals to see
more cash flow through effective communication with their clients
and target audiences. She teaches teleseminars, leads workshops,
publishes written and audio materials, and offers private coaching to
individual clients on improving their communication skills. Having
taught communication skills for more than a decade, Felicia knows
what it takes to help her clients see results – she lives and
communicates with confidence! She offers a free e-course as well as a number of other
free resources available on her website.
Her newest business course:
Resolution Results for Your Business Success in 2008
Jump Start Your Network Marketing Biz now!
Feature Art/product

"Our Girls"
This is a pencil portrait of our two girls.
We've felt very blessed having our children and love watching them grow and learn.
This drawing was printed on a holiday card to family and friends.
Art News
The Equine Art Guild's newest Showing
the third in a series of virtual Art Shows by the members of the Equine Art Guild
The Equine Art Guild is proud to showcase this special 10th Anniversary Virtual Art Show for members of the Equine Art Guild.
In our spirit of equality and comraderie, we have helped each other grow in our artistic skills over the years. This online exhibit showcases our proud achievements that we have accomplished through our association with the Equine Art Guild. Each artist was asked to submit a piece they created before they joined the EAG as well as a current piece to be able to reflect back on our growth over the past ten years.
Visit The Equine Art Guild website
Soldier Portraits
Darla Dixon organized a group of artists who will create no-charge compassionate portraits for the families who have lost a loved one in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom. We are looking for artists to join our efforts, and also for non-artists who will help spread the word about this free service and token of our gratitude to families who have sacrificed so much."
For more information, contact Darla (darla@darladixon.com) or visit
Lisa Wald Guarino
Lisa's Art & Horses
181 West Forest Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Labels: art, equine art, gift ideas, gift items, horse