E is for Elephant
“E is for Elephant”

We are members of the local Roger Williams Zoo and take some time to visit the zoo when we can. They have a wonderful assortment of animals to see.
Our daughter Emily’s favorite animal is the elephants, because their name begins with “E”.
When we first got to the elephants they were outside and sort of far away in a fenced in area. The zoo is going through some reconstruction. They’re expanding the elephant and giraffe (who live next door) exhibit spaces. They’ll have a lot more room to roam and a bigger pond to enjoy.
The zoo has an indoor pavilion. Inside we saw the giraffes, which I’ve gotten to like. The giraffes had a couple of babies this year, which we got to see on our last visit. The baby giraffes have since moved to a zoo in Chicago. The adult giraffes enjoyed the cooler space in the pavilion.
In the elephants area I couldn’t help notice one of the walls. It has paint strokes on it. Apparently they give the elephants some painting time. One way they keep them active. One sign described each elephant’s individual paint strokes. Imagine, they each painted (if you care to call it painting) in their own way. I thought that was neat.
It reminded me of a site I saw in a message where an elephant learned to paint. Apparently it gives the elephants something interesting to do besides the usual routine. Interesting for sure.
Here is a link to an elephant that paints.
Later on during our visit to the zoo , we stopped by the pavilion again. The elephants were in having “lunch”. The girls loved them. One can’t help but marvel at their size. They’re the biggest land animal living on our planet.
Their trunk is amazing too. They can not only breath through it, but can spray water into their mouth or on themselves . They can use their trunk to lift heavy logs or branches. The end of the trunk has a finger like muscle. It can delicately pick up a piece of hay or grass. Just incredible really. Nature holds many wonders and the elephant is sure one of them.
I naturally got some pictures to add to my collection of photos. I’ll have to take some time to create some of my own art images of them from the photos.
I’ll showcase them here, when I get them done.
Feature Art/product

"Giraffe" is a pastel painting of a baby giraffe. I posted this work while it was in progress at wetcanvas's Animal and Widlife forum.
It's available for sale at animal&landscape paintings.
Please feel free to contact me with questions on art/products and/or comments at lisa@lisasrt.com
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Lisa Guarino, Lisa's Art & Horses: Interview at WAHFamily talk radio
August 11, 2008
Art News
The Equine Art Guild's newest Art Show online
"The Best of 2007"
the fourth in a series of virtual Art Shows by the members of the Equine Art Guild
The Equine Art Guild is proud to showcase the best of the best of artworks created by our members in 2007. Whether it be horses or otherwise, this exhibit shows off the best works that each of the participating artists created in 2007.
Visit The Equine Art Guild website.
Soldier Portraits
Darla Dixon organized a group of artists who will create no-charge compassionate portraits for the families who have lost a loved one in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom. We are looking for artists to join our efforts, and also for non-artists who will help spread the word about this free service and token of our gratitude to families who have sacrificed so much."
For more information, contact Darla (darla@darladixon.com) or visit SoldierPortraits.org.
Other Events
Women Business Owners
Convention Theme: "Free To Be Me"
Convention Information:
Register for the WBO National Business ConventionWBO National Business Convention in Houston, Texas on October 10-12, 2008. Women from around the world will be joining together for business connections, business growth, and personal connections. We will have 500 women entrepreneurs share in the knowledge and benefits from our 23 seminar, key note and motivational speakers.
We are offering eighteen (18) seminars for our attendees. Our attendees will benefit from live interaction with six speakers on Saturday, and the opportunity to view all eighteen seminars for up to three (3) months following our convention!
“Learning how to work effectively and efficiently so that your personal life does not suffer in the beginning years. Learn how to join together and make mastermind groups, support groups, and other related teams of women that support, guide, and stimulate each other. It is a phenomenal experience to join together and share wealth of knowledge and to know that you�re not alone. ”
Lisa Wald Guarino
Lisa's Art & Horses
181 West Forest Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02860